We are thankful for those who want to come alongside us to realize the goal of teaching and preparing for the times to come. Below are several different avenues to contribute to this work. One way is through a one-time direct contribution via ONE of the links below. These links are customized based on where you live and your type of currency.
Another way is by signing up to contribute on a reoccurring basis. This link will take you to a form you can fill out so that we know to contact you to get set-up.

Contribute via Cepher Publishing
Another way to contribute to EWHAL is by purchasing Cepher books through our unique affiliate link. Cepher Publishing provides a commission to EWHAL when this link is used. Eatin Wild Honey and Locusts has partnered with the Cepher Publishing Company to support Jessica (& family) and the EWHAL ministry. Please consider purchasing your books using our unique affiliate link above. The link will take you to the “Introduction of the את Cepher” page of the Cepher website. Once there, you will find a SHOP NOW button at the bottom of the page.
Here is one of the newer books you will see when visiting the Cepher store….
Ciddur: Prayer & Devotion
This not a traditional prayer book. Rather than reading pre-scripted prayers written by others, you will be writing your own prayers based on passages in the את Cepher. These scriptural passages fall into one of three categories:
- Praises to Yahuah
- Instructions from Yahuah
- Promises from Yahuah
Many of the passages were selected because of their relevance to the remnant faithful who will witness the soon return of King Yahusha HaMashiach.
We strongly encourage you to read the scriptures in context by looking them up in the את Cepher. Study and meditate upon them, seeking practical application to your own life. Then, with the leading of the Ruach Ha’Qodesh guiding you into all truth, scribe your prayers to Yahuah in response.

Purchase Direct from EWHAL
Finally, for those located in the United Kingdom, you can purchase the new soft–bound leather Cepher Millenium Edition and the Ciddur directly from EWHAL by emailing Jessica directly.
Cepher Soft Bound Millenium Edition
- Softbound in a flexible faux leather cover with Smythe-sewn binding
- Gold embossing on the front cover and spine
- Rounded corners and gold gilded edges
- Includes two satin ribbon bookmarks
- 2976 pages printed in a large 14-point font on 19# paper
- Measures 7” x 10” x 2.5″ and weighs 4.5 pounds
- Fits our standard carrying case

Cepher Millenium Edition