We examine who are the “Synagogue of Hasatan. We revisit and add to the original teaching from the late Shane Knock during our first of the month Sabbath Gathering this MARCH 2024: The question is, Who are the “Synagogue of Satan”? How does that affect us today? What does War against the saints actually mean?
https://www.youtube.com/@eatinwildhon... (Live Chat Available) https://www.eatinwildhoneyandlocusts…. (No Live Chat). Please create an account for ministry updates on EWHAL If your not able to create an account, please sign up here for EWHAL Newsletter: https://share-eu1.hsforms.com/16cu6eyHpTy-4if8up8xu5A2dpj49
http://www.cepher.net/?af=188 The את Cepher Scriptures As a Natural progression of our ongoing relationship, EWHAL can now announce that we are a independent affiliate of the Cepher Group and we ask our community of followers to please use our unique above link, which directs you to the Cepher website which supports the work of EWHAL when ordering Cepher products. There is no change to the EWHAL ongoing operations and we thank you for your support which helps us as we transition, after the recent loss of EWHAL Co-Founder Shane Knock to continue the ministry and support Jessica & family. Please subscribe to our YouTube Channel, selecting the “ALL” option for all Program Notifications.
https://gofund.me/a3709d97 – A big thank you to all who have supported our fundraiser for Jessica, her family and continuation of EWHAL since Shane Knocks passing. If this is your first time seeing this, please consider lending a helping hand. Every bit of support counts, even sharing the post with a few words of support and we truly appreciate it. Remember, there’s absolutely no pressure to contribute; only if it’s feasible for you. Thank you for being a part of this compassionate community! If you visit the above link, you can read the latest update. Organised by Christian Elliott