A perfect opportunity, two months ahead of holding Pecach 2025 in Portugal with different international fellowships and families traveling to join together and building communities in different regions of the world, with this rich foundation of a Scriptural Hebraic understanding. We delve into EWHAL 3rd revision of the “Spiritual Warfare Field Guide” and the את Cepher scriptures with a particular focus on ancient writings from the full library collection which enhances one’s scriptural knowledge and studies.
This Cepher collection dives into the beginnings of creation, the twelve Ivriyt (Hebrew) Patriarchs, and the Nation of Yashar’el (Israel) and Bere’shiyth which means “Beginnings.” Learning more about the heavens and the eternal life in the title Shamayim. Studying the writings of renowned leaders of the early assembly (church) as chronicled in Ha’avoth (Fathers), and the acclaimed works of first century historian Yocephus (Titus Flavius Josephus) in his books Antiquities and Wars.
Join Dr. Stephen Pidgeon, Cepher Publishing with EWHAL team, Jesse Knock, Drew Bolles & Stacey Hubbard
EWHAL Cepher Publishing Affiliate Link:
Please consider supporting EWHAL by purchasing Cepher products using this unique link for the את Cepher Scriptures and Eth Cepher Library Collection. Its costs not extra to your products & supports both ministries !!! Thank you.
Pecach Portugal 2025: https://eatinwildhoneyandlocusts.co.uk/pecach-2025/ and to register: https://book.stripe.com/bIYdU29h4eUZggM6oL?locale=en-GB&__embed_source=buy_btn_1Qkla6D1tM8X9dbFQTLW9mHE
The EWHAL “Lashion Haqodash Course: Ubriyt – Ayteot – A Set Apart Language,” working from the restored Cepher translation of scripture. To sign up and for further instruction, visit: https://eatinwildhoneyandlocusts.co.uk/lashion-haqodash-course-ubriyt-ayteot-a-set-apart-language/
Cepher Academy are currently running classes, “Rightly Dividing the Word” reviewing the Ivriyt language in scripture. To sign up and or more information, visit: https://cepheracademy.net/
GoFundMe – Supports Jessica & Family
Links to Donate:
Like and Subscribe:
• Eatin Wild Honey and Locusts YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@eatinwildhoneyandlocusts
• Dr Stephen Pidgeon’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@stephenpidgeon9616
• Cepher Publishing’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/@cepherpublishinggroup
• EWHAL Fellowship https://t.me/+_rrS6k_RrXw1ODFk
• EWHAL Prayer Group https://t.me/EWHALFurnacePrayerGroup/1