First of the Year & Month 2025 EWHAL Online National & International Fellowship Sabbath Gathering with Jessica Knock.
Just as Yahuah commands Aaron and his sons of their priestly duties in the Temple and to keep the fire on the altar burning at all times, we on this narrow path must continue to keep the fire burning from our spiritual censers with a ‘kadosh’ set apart walk through our set apart prayers.
We gather together on the first and last Saturday of each month. 3:30pm GMT/UK, 10.30am EST. To join or further information, email
The EWHAL “Lashion Haqodash Course: Ubriyt – Ayteot – A Set Apart Language,” working from the restored Cepher translation of scripture. To sign up and for further instruction, visit:
Cepher Academy are currently running classes, “Rightly Dividing the Word” reviewing the Ivriyt language in scripture. To sign up and or more information, visit:
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Please consider supporting EWHAL by purchasing Cepher products using the unique code for the את Cepher Scriptures. Its costs not extra to your products!! Thank you.
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