Join Us for Pecach This Year!
11th–20th April in Lagos, Portugal
Oasis Christian Fellowship
R. Dr. Joaquim Tello 32c, 8600-315 Lagos, Portugal
For our brothers and sisters in Portugal, we thank you for the use of your facility and are excited to have you join us! We would like to ask if you are planning to attend one or more of the meals OR the EdenRise event, that you help cover the costs. For more information on the EdenRise event, please scroll to the bottom of this page.
EWHAL, along with our sister ministry, Cepher Publishing are hosting in Logos Portugal ~ “Pecach 2025” from April 11–20, 2025. Philadelphia Community (Holland) are co-serving & Malakh (UK) will also be gathering with us… along with attendees from Portugal, Australia, Holland, Germany, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, the UK, and the US. If you’re desiring in-person fellowship, a set apart time with the added bonus of the sun and sea surroundings, look no further! This event will also be live streamed.
During these 10 days, we will have the wonderful opportunity to share by our testimony with Oasis Christian Fellowship and other locals regarding the difference of celebrating Easter compared to the prophetic significance of celebrating Pecach (Passover). We will explore the profound prophetic connections embedded within this ancient feast and the Messiah. From the Exodus to the Last Supper, we will experience how every element of Passover unlocks a rich tapestry of meaning… transcending time and connecting the prophetic events we are currently experiencing with their significance to Yahusha’s return, the ultimate Passover Lamb.
Yahusha’s life, death, and resurrection take on new meaning, as we see the differences between the Old Testament foreshadowing and the New Testament’s fulfillment through these appointed feasts. We have the opportunity during these focused days to understand the connection from Pecach (Passover) to Pentecost (Shavout) and perhaps for the first time understand the connection between the “Unleavened Bread” of Passover and the “Leavened Loaves” of Pentecost… all Scriptural feasts not taught in the Church, yet relevant to all believers today.
These revelations will be new to so many. Whether you’re a long-time believer or new, the Feast Days of Yahuah are not “Jewish,” but part of our worship as we prepare for our Groom as His Bride. Join us as we journey through the feasts, worship, and fellowship together and uncover the hidden meanings and powerful messages that lead us back to the relevancy of the Messiah in our lives today.
Join us and the local fellowship as we partake in Pecach – Portugal 2025!
- Location: Oasis Christian Fellowship, R. Dr. Joaquim Tello 32c, 8600-315 Lagos, Portugal
- Website:
- Contact: Pastor Michael [+351 964 285 351] & Joao Amaral [+351 935 856 033 /]

Dinner will be provided on all High Feast Days & the special event at Eden Rise… all other meals will be on your own. There are many restaurants, cafes, eateries within walking distance that offer a wide variety of food at affordable prices.
- Friday, 4/11th (Pecach & Brit Chadashah): *Dinner provided
- Saturday, 4/12th (Pecach): *Dinner provided
- Sunday, 4/13th (First day of Matstsah): *Dinner provided
- Monday, 4/14th
- Tuesday, 4/15th
- Wednesday, 4/16th: *Trip to Eden Rise with dinner provided
- Thursday, 4/17th
- Friday, 4/18th
- Saturday, 4/19th (Last day of Matstsah): *Dinner provided
- Sunday, 4/20th (Bikor): *Dinner provided
Speakers and schedule to follow shortly

EdenRise is inspired by the ancient biblical story of a magnificent garden paradise where the Creator intimately related openly with His beloved creation. With 592 acres of breathe-taking views, this is a place dedicated to worship and prayer. Our group will enjoy the day meeting within the magnificient retreat dome, taking in the views around us, and then coming together for a delicious BBQ!
Dr Stephen Pidgeon, Jessica Knock, Drew Bolles, Stacey Hubbard, and several others… Watch for updates!
Eatin’ WIld Honey and Locusts and Cepher Publishing, with venue being provided by Oasis Christian Fellowship. To learn more about these and our other sponsors, just click on their logo to visit their website.

Qorintiym Sheniy (2 Corinthians) 9:6 But this I say, He which sows sparingly shall reap also sparingly; and he which sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully.
You support will help part sponsor those who may not be able to attend the feast due to financial hardship or to help offset the costs of facilitating and hosting these in-person feasts, please use the link below. Any contribution is greatly appreciated and valued.
Qorintiym Sheniy (2 Corinthians) 9:10 Now he that ministers seed to the sower both minister bread for your food, and multiply your seed sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness
If you would like to attend but cost is an issue, please email: Jessica Knock

Pre-order any of the items below for a special event discount by emailing: Jessica Knock. Items will be delivered at the event!

- Soft-bound Cepher with tabs: TBA
- Ciddur Prayer & Devotional: TBA
- Cepher Carrying Case: TBA