This ongoing series will challenge your interpretations of what you thought the Scriptures said, and challenge your current view of the world as imposed by modern secularism, reanalysing Genesis with the weight of the Bible, revolutionizing illogical and preconceived concepts regarding creation with the ancient epochs and divulging crucial historical significance that have diluted down through the generations. Through these ongoing presentations, we will learn: What has taken place! What is taking place! and What must take place! The Scriptures was written to increase not reason our faith. It is through this lens we must read it—just as it was written in a literal sense to the called-out believer, not through the lens of godless, secular cynics and other otherworldly interpretations.
The Nephilim of Genesis 6 remains a mystery with no concise but rather short narrative or without explanation on the flood narrative. Yet, the Nephilim were recorded in many Old Testament books like Shemoth (Exodus), Bemidbar (Numbers), Yahusha (Joshua), Qoheleth (Ecclesiastics), Divrei Hayamiym Ri’shon (1 Chronicles), Tehilliym (Psalms), and the Apocrypha and the book of Chanok (Enoch) showing that the Nephilim are pivotal to understanding end of the age prophecies.
So, who or what were these Nephilim? This generation has signs and warnings to discern. And how are Nephilim related to secret societies, world governments, and the enslaving of humankind hostile to Yahuah (God).? This series with Gary aims to answer such questions by re-examining diverse scriptures of “The Genesis 6 Conspiracy.”
For further information or for book series visit website:
The EWHAL “Lashion Haqodash – course Ubriyt – Ayteot – a Set Apart Language” working from the restored Cepher translation of scripture. To sign up and for further instruction, visit:
Cepher Academy are currently running classes, “Rightly Dividing the Word” reviewing the Ivriyt language in scripture. To sign up and for further instruction, visit:
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- Stacey Hubbard (Prayer & Deliverance)
- Raine (Prayer Ministry & Intercession)